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LM guide actuator
Caged Ball LM Guide Actuator SKR
Caged Ball
LM Guide Actuator
The SKR-type LM guide actuator with Caged Ball Technology is an actuator that features an LM rail having a U-shaped cross section, a one-piece nut block structure with LM guide raceways on both sides, and a ball screw at the center. This enables the actuator to provide highly rigid and accurate functioning at a minimum size. Each train of balls is arranged at a contact angle of 45o so that the rated load on the nut block is uniform in four directions (radial, reverse-radial, and lateral directions). As a result, the SKR-type LM guide actuator can be used in any mounting orientation. Moreover, the addition of the LM guide and ball screw with Caged Ball Technology allows the SKR-type LM guide actuator to achieve higher speeds, lower noise, longer maintenance-free operation, and other features in comparison with the conventional KR-type.
CatalogPDF    No.309-1E
2004.12.25          629KB
LM Guide Actuator KR
LM Guide Actuator
The KR-type LM guide actuator features an LM rail having a U-shaped cross section, a one-piece nut block structure with LM guide raceways on both sides, and a ball screw at the center. This enables the actuator to provide highly rigid and accurate functioning at a minimum size. Each train of balls is arranged at a contact angle of 45o so that the rated load on the nut block is uniform in four directions (radial, reverse-radial, and lateral directions). As a result, the KR-type LM guide actuator can be used in any mounting orientation.
Catalog PDF       No.276E
2004.12.25          209KB
KR20, 26, 30H,33, 45H, 46, 55, 65
Catalog PDF    No.209-5E
2004.12.25       2,132KB
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